Everyone should visit the dentist at least twice a year for a deep cleaning. No matter how healthy or unhealthy your teeth are, it is important to see your dentist on a regular basis to prevent infection and decay. During your visit, the dentist will use a number of tools and materials to clean your teeth. While there isn’t too much you need to do ahead of time, you could still benefit from reading these 5 tips for preparing for teeth cleaning before your next appointment. Below, our experienced dentist and friendly team of professionals offer a few ways to set yourself up for success. Namely, with 5 tips for preparing for teeth cleaning.
5 Tips for Preparing for Teeth Cleaning
Understand the Cleaning Process
You may feel less inclined to visit the dentist if you don’t know why you even need to get your teeth cleaned in the first place. Brushing and flossing at home are essential daily habits that can help you keep more immediate oral health issues at bay.
However, these two actions alone do not protect your teeth to the full extent. You should also supplement your routine by scheduling check-ups with your professional. In-office cleaning can offer more protection and longer-lasting results.
Make a List of Questions
If you have not had a teeth cleaning appointment before, or if you are visiting a new dentist for the first time, you might want to know more about the process before you commit. You can bring a list of questions with you for better understanding or peace of mind. Simple questions may include, “How long do I have to wait before eating?”, and “Does teeth cleaning hurt?”.
Brush Your Teeth Before You Come In
There is nothing wrong with brushing your teeth before you arrive. In fact, most dentists will encourage you to brush and floss your teeth before coming in for your appointment. The cleaner your teeth are, the easier and faster the professional cleaning process will be. If your appointment is in the morning, you should consider not eating until after the cleaning period. This can help to prevent new bacteria from forming on your teeth.
Arrive Early
Being late to an appointment is more than just an inconvenience. It can cut into your cleaning time, potentially adding more stress to what is already an anxious situation. While the dental team will do their best to accommodate you when you are late, being too late could result in you losing your appointment slot. The best way to make sure that you are taking good care of your teeth is to prioritize professional cleanings in your schedule.
Do Not Whiten Your Teeth Yet
Many people visit the dentist because they are curious about our in-house whitening procedures. Teeth whitening is a fast and efficient treatment that can lift extrinsic stains from the surface of the teeth. However, the whitening solution can sometimes cause the teeth and gums to become sensitive. This would make the cleaning process a lot more uncomfortable for you than it needs to be. Make sure you attend your cleaning before you sign up for one of our other smile-brightening options.
Schedule a Professional Teeth Cleaning Appointment Today!
If you are looking for dental expertise in La Mirada, you might want to take a look at our comprehensive teeth cleaning services. We know that routine maintenance and care can keep your smile safe and healthy for years to come. We use a variety of techniques and tools to repair damage and wipe away infection, leaving you with an improved smile that is sure to boost your confidence. Get in touch with our experts at La Mirada One and schedule your next teeth cleaning appointment today!